TrioRecipes Logo

Innovative Tools for Seamless Blogging and Creative Cooking!

The magic tools!

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Trio Post and Prompt

Manage TXT recipes and MidJourney prompts.

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Photoshop Text Extractor

Extract text like titles and ingredients from your Photoshop files easily.

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Recipe & Facebook Extractor

Identify and extract recipes and Facebook page links from websites.

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Recipe Product

Analyze URLs and identify banned words quickly.

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Blogging Image Prompt

Generate creative prompts for blogging images.

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Text File Viewer and Editor

Edit and navigate text files with ease.

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Convert, Compress, and Upload Images

Convert images format and transfer them to WordPress with a small size

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Recipe Prompt Manager

Prompt ready to create articles

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Article writing GPTS

Writing an essay based on books, a complete essay (2000-2500 words)

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post image txt

post image txt scrap tool

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Stylish Facebook Posts Filter

Stylish Facebook Posts Filter